Consultation on Admissions Policy for September 2020

Proposed Admission Criteria for September 2020
As part of our work on widening access to Sutton Girls and promoting social mobility, the Governing Board is supportive of the Senior Leadership Team’s proposal to make amendments to our admissions policy for September 2020. The number of students admitted in Year 7 will remain the same at 180, but we are proposing a lower qualifying score for students who qualify for the pupil premium funding, up to a limit of 20% of the available places. Our proposed admissions policy has been submitted to Birmingham School Admissions and Fair Access Service, who are running a consultation process in respect of the proposed changes. The consultation period will take place from Monday 19 November 2019 to Monday 7 January 2019 and our proposed admission arrangements can be found attached below and are displayed on the Birmingham City Council website:
Any comments on the proposed admission arrangements should be made to:
If any comments on or objections to our proposed arrangements are submitted to the Birmingham School Admissions and Fair Access Service following the end of the consultation, these will be forwarded to our Governing Board for consideration. Following the consultation period, we will have until 28 February 2019 to formally determine our admission arrangements for the 2020/2021 academic year.