Staff Links
Microsoft 365
Outlook Online
Click here to access your staff email
Click here to access your staff OneDrive area.
Below are some useful guides on how to use certain aspects of OneDrive:
Staff Shared Area
Click here to access the shared area.
Teams Online
Click here to launch Teams in your web browser
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
When accessing the Microsoft 365 website or apps outside of school, you will now need to provide a login code. This is an extra security measure that we have put in place, so we are more secure. This includes access to Outlook, Teams, and OneDrive on the web.
The easiest method to set this up is to register when on site. Please refer to this guide for help and advice.
Bring Your Own Device
Connecting to the WiFi on your device:
Printing from your personal device:
Remote Access
When using the Remote Access provision at home, please use this guide to with connecting to our network.
Staff trialling SIMS NextGen can access the system off-site here.
Online Payments - School Gateway
In order to access School Gateway, you must first download the School Gateway app from either the App Store (for Apple devices) or Play Store (for Android devices).
For instructions on how to register, please click here.
Follow-Me Printing
For our guide on using the Follow-Me Printing service in school, please click here.
Computer & Room Booking
TES Educare
To access SCGSG's online training provider, please click here.
CPD Genie
To log training courses or check your CDP targets, please click here.
To log any safeguarding concerns you might have, please click here.
To access Show My Homework, please click here.
Progress Evenings
To log in to Teachers2Parents, please click here.
Votes for Schools
Click here to access the Teacher login for Votes for Schools.
Absence and Cover
If you are absent and require cover for your lessons, please click here.
To log in and check your latest payslip, please click here.
Contact IT Support
To log a ticket with the IT Helpdesk, please click here.
Equality & Diversity Questions
Please use this form to ask any questions relating to equality and diversity.
Staff Nominations
Staff nominations for the Spring term can be made here.
Pearson Revise
Revision designed around students’ needs.
Online revision – no print, no clutter, no problem.
For more information, please read this short guide.
Organisations Offering Support
MIND is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales, providing information and support to those affected by mental distress, as well as campaigning to improve policy and attitudes.
Rethink Mental Illness is the largest mental illness charity in the UK and is dedicated to improving the lives of everyone affected by severe mental illness, whether sufferers, carers or professionals working in the mental health field.
Samaritans offer 24-hour confidential and emotional support for anyone in a crisis.
Telephone: 08457 909090
Education Support Network is an independent charity that provides practical and emotional support to trainee, serving and retired employees and their families.
24/7 Support Line: 08000 562 561 (UK);
Alcoholics Anonymous offer area support meetings.
National Helpline: 0845 769 7555
Cruse Bereavement Care helpline for bereaved people and those caring for bereaved people.
Telephone Helpline: 0808 808 1677
StepChange Debt Charity provides help for anyone in debt or concerned they may fall into debt. - Freephone 0800 138 1111
Facts, support & advice on drugs and alcohol.
Gamcare offers confidential counselling, advice and information for anyone affected by a gambling dependency.
Helpline: 0808 802 0133
Shelter offers confidential advice on housing problems.
Helpline: 0808 800 4444
Relationship Counselling
Relate offers relationship counselling and mediation for individuals and couples. This service also offers parenting advice.
Telephone: 0300 100 1234
Quit offers friendly help, advice and support on how to stop smoking.
Telephone: 020 7553 2100
NHS for information and guidance on all health issues: