Wellbeing Week

By Molly - Year 13
The week beginning 29th January marked the first Sutton Girls Wellbeing Week. The week’s aim was to promote students taking an active role in looking after their own mental wellbeing, and that of others. Recent research shows that we can make active changes to further our wellbeing, and this is what the week aimed to encourage.
The activities were split into five main categories: get active, try something new, be mindful, give to others and have fun. From fitness sessions to a drumming workshop, there were opportunities for all to get involved with throughout the week regardless of interests. Some of the highlights included an animal workshop featuring a very popular meerkat, an inspiring positive thinking talk from life coach Errol Lawson, ‘feel-good’ films and a building resilience workshop from the Forward Mentoring team. The week concluded on a high note with students from all years lending a helping hand to finalise the blessing bags project, putting together over 250 bags of necessities to be given to people experiencing homelessness in Birmingham very soon.
A big “thank you” is due to everyone who helped with organisation and running activities, as well as all students who got involved, hopefully gaining something from it!