A-Level Results - Class of 2021

We would like to congratulate the Class of 2021 at Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls on completing their 13 years of education.
The time since March 2020 has been extraordinary and this group of students are celebrated for their hard work, resilience and determination. Throughout the ongoing challenges faced by individuals during these unprecedented times, our Year 13 students have maintained commitment to their A-Level studies whilst continuing to contribute to our school and wider community.
As well as celebrating their A-Level grades, today we also recognise our students’ numerous achievements across many fields, including art, music, drama, sport, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and STEM. Alongside their studies, our sixth form students have contributed to house competitions, organised highly successful charity events, and acted as mentors and role models to younger students.
We are equally proud of our students’ aspirations and are celebrating the wide variety of future destinations, which include universities from Aberystwyth to Newcastle, Oxford to Leeds and a diverse range of courses including architecture, marine biology, medicine, furniture making, and aerospace engineering.
The school would also like to thank friends and family members for their encouragement and understanding, not only during the remote learning periods but throughout our students’ entire 13 years of schooling.
We are immensely proud of our 2021 cohort, and we wish them all the best for a happy and successful future. We encourage all of our former students to stay in touch with us via our alumni network Future First.
Dr B. Minards,