Salters’ Festival of Chemistry

By Millie, Neha, Savannah, Apoorva - Year 8
On Tuesday 17th April, we got the incredible opportunity to go to the Salters’ Institute Festival of Chemistry, hosted by the University of Birmingham. We were beyond excited when we found out that we were chosen to represent the school. We took the train, eager for the day that would follow, and we were so impressed by the University when we arrived! We took part in two chemistry challenges in the state of the art labs and even got to experience a fun lecture in a university lecture theatre.
In the first practical challenge we had to use techniques such as chromatography and code cracking to solve the mystery and find which suspect was the burglar! We all enjoyed the problem solving and may now consider forensics as a possible career option.
In the next ‘University Challenge’ we were given five colourless solutions and had to identify them. We were efficient and finished very quickly. We were competing against teams from 15 other schools but our teamwork paid off as we were awarded third prize!
At the end of the day one of the professors beguiled us with a chemical magic lecture.
He told entertaining stories whist demonstrating how to fry an egg with liquid nitrogen and appeared to turn water into wine. We were all on the edge of our seats, waiting to see what scientific feat he would perform next!
The day was challenging but thoroughly enjoyable and we were able to develop several skills that will help us in the future, whilst enjoying ourselves and making new friends. We’d like to thank both the school and Mrs Chatterton for this opportunity. We all have a passion for chemistry and would definitely like to do something like this again!