A-Level Celebration Evening
Every year, we relish the opportunity to welcome back our recent Year 13 leavers in order to celebrate their A-Level successes.
On Thursday 5th January, despite the rail disruption, Mr Charles, Head of Sixth Form, greeted the familiar faces of our Class of 2022 students.
This year, we also had the great pleasure of being joined by former Student Ambassador Alydia Scott (who was with us from 2011 to 2018) who is currently at Cardiff University studying Emergency Medicine. Giving the audience of students, staff and families an insight into her experiences of university life, Alydia spoke honestly about seeking help with her mental health and how important it was to give yourself time to breathe, as well as sharing some top tips she wishes she’d known before starting at university.
We would like to thank all those involved in making the evening run so well; Mr Charles, Mrs James, Mrs Lucas, Mr Maguire, Mr Moody as well as Ms Sephton and the AiP catering team for excellent buffet refreshments.