Eating Disorders
It is important to remember that an eating disorder is a serious mental health problem that needs urgent professional medical diagnosis and treatment.
Signs to look out for can be:
- Loss of periods or not starting menstruation in young girls
- Changes in character and obsessive concern about body weight, shape and dieting
- Extreme fear of gaining weight
- Marked distress around meal times
- Evidence of depression, anxiety and thoughts of self harm
- Rigid ‘black and white’ thinking about food
- Cutting out food that was once enjoyed
- Excessive exercising
- Inducing vomiting
- Appear to be lethargic
They may also include:
- Dramatic weight loss
- Lying about how much they've eaten, when they've eaten, or their weight
- Eating a lot of food very fast
- Going to the bathroom a lot after eating
- Avoiding eating with others
- Cutting food into small pieces or eating very slowly
- Wearing loose or baggy clothes to hide their weight loss