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Ofsted Report

Ofsted carried out a graded inspection under section 5 of the Education Act 2005 on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th November 2022. Ofsted judged the Overall Effectiveness of the school as Good.

Extracts from the 2022 Ofsted report:

“Pupils at this school have a keen desire to do well. They rise to the high expectations set by staff. Pupils are well cared for and enjoy positive relationships with both staff and their peers.”

“Pupils participate in a range of extra-curricular activities. These support pupils’ academic learning and musical or sporting talents.”

“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully integrated into school life. Leaders ensure that staff receive appropriate training and that pupils with SEND are well supported in the classroom.”

“Leaders have designed a curriculum that is highly ambitious. They recognise that pupils arrive at the school with high academic starting points. Therefore, they have carefully planned and sequenced a challenging curriculum so that pupils deepen their knowledge and understanding over time.”

“Leaders provide many opportunities for pupils’ personal development. The school’s character programme and house system form a central part of school life. Sixth-form ambassadors take a leading role in helping to promote the school’s ‘character traits’, including preparing materials for debate and discussion during form times and assemblies.”

The report is available here.